Giving For Health

Friday, December 14, 2012

CVD Risk Not Increaed with ADHD Drugs

Adults with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and their family members should be relieved to know that medications to help with the disorder do not increase their risk for developing cardiovascular disease.

At a recent study researchers wanted to know what the risk of cardiovascular disease is with the use of ADHD drugs. 

Some ADHD medications cause a slight increase in heart rate and blood pressure
 levels and was the cause for the concern.

The study from 1986 to 2005 found that  ADHD medication did not increase the risk for CVD; when compared to people who didn't use ADHD medication, those who used them were not associated with increased risk.During the study there were 1,357 heart attacks, 296 sudden cardiac deaths and 575 strokes.

Participants were adults age 25 to 64 who were on prescription for either:

  1. Amphetamine
  2. Atomoxetine
  3. Methylphenidate
The researchers used computerized records to analyzed data.
Read more on the study.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Alzheimer's Disease Risk Increased By Problem Gene

A gene which is said to help the immune system control inflammation in the brain  has been linked to alzheimer's disease.

According to a recent study the problem version of the gene triples the chances of one developing  the disease.

Medical experts are excited about the discovery, because it paves the way for more research and new treatment. They believe that treatment to correct the gene's malfunction may help in the treatment of the alzheimer's.

The gene is called TREM2, and is present in only 1% of the population.

Until recently medical experts believed that only one gene raises the risk for alzheimer's disease. Whereas 17 % of the population has that gene, more than 1/2 of alzheimer's patients do.

The recent study has identifed the TREM2 as a another.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Helping A Loved One With Depression

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration. 

Depression affects people of any gender, age or background, it affects over 120 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of disability.

Depression can become chronic affecting the person's ability to take care of himself or to do everyday chores.

Depression can lead to loss of employment and relationships with family and friends.

If your loved one is suffering from depression there are things you can do to help and make them feel.

The loved one will need support, but support is more than a shoulder to cry on.

If you are a care giver,  you must realize that treatment is important.

Here are some ways to go about giving your help.
  • Get active in their care- If you are a care giver , get active in their care.
  • Talk about it- let them know you care
  • Stay in contact-Call, visit or involve them
  • Focus on small goals- Praise their small achievements
  • Keep informed
  • Give them help to get to and from appointments
  • Encourage and remind them to take medication
  • Remind them to keep doctor's appointment
This article is about many ways you can help a family member or loved one who is suffering from depression.
View the ways and read about each in more detail, they are in slide format.

Click Here to begin.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Behaviour Sleep Techniques -No Harm to the Child

A recent study showed that behaviour sleep techniques don't cause harm to the child or  to the parent.  They can be confidently used for infants' sleep problems and to relieve the burden on the parents.

The participants in the study were children at age 6 months. It was a follow up to another study in which parents reported sleep problems at age 6 months.

Read about the study in

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pacifiers My Stunt Emotional Growth Of Boys

 In a study that assumes babies can't smile, pout, or furrow a brow while using a pacifier, researchers found  that their use may affect emotional growth of boys.

While girls appear to make satisfactory progress despite their use, boys grow up emotionally stunted by frequent use of pacifiers during the day.

The studies were done on the use of pacifiers on the emotional developement of children.

Researchers are asking that the results of the studies be taken seriously and that parents cut down on the use  of pacifiers during the day.

Click below to read more on the study.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marriage -A Cure For Cancer

Another time when giving for health instead of another can be useful is during cancer treatment.

According to a recent study supportive care and social support may make marriage a miracle cure for cancer.

A study involving 168 patients with lung cancer found that 1/3 of those who were married were still alive after three years, while only 10% of those who were single were still alive.

The patients were treated with chemotherapy and radiation over a period of ten years.

Based on the result of the study, researchers are reporting  that marriage may be that miracle cure.

Whereas chemotherapy and radiation are approved treatment for cancer, social support from close family members can improve the quality of life.

Cancer is a major non-communicable disease taking the lives of millions each year. The main risk factors for the disease are unhealthy eating, physical  inactivity, smoking, overweight/obesity and air pollution.

According to the study marital status is a strong predictor of survival.

The strong social support given by a marriage mate and family members may account for the health benefits of marriage.

The  will and the motivation to survive on account of a marriage mate may also play a part.

Read more on the study.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How To Help Seniors Have A Safe Stay In Hospital

The question was how best can an elderly woman prepare for a comfortable stay in hospital and a safe recovery.

The person who raised the question was a family member and the hospital stay for knee surgery.

Giving for health begins as soon as the decision for surgery is made.

Support and encouragement from family members are important before surgery, they can help with physical and emotional support. This may mean giving up some of their time or even money.

Preparing both physically and emotionally means better health prior to surgery. Good health before surgery means quicker and fuller recovery.

A positive attitude on the part of the family member can go a long way towards to fostering hope and

After surgery, while recovering, instead of giving her flowers or a get well card, instead of a box of chocolates or some of her favourite cookies give a gift of health.

Leg surgery will affect mobility and the ability to be physically active. Remember to give gifts that can assist with mobility and daily living.

There are medical aids and supplies that will assist with daily living and for safe recovery; these can be given as wrapped gifts instead of others.

Here are some useful advice for family members and care givers on how they can contribute to the prevention of delirium. The advice are in an article in the
Read about these below.
TheSpec - How to help seniors have a safe stay in hospital

Friday, August 17, 2012

Honey Is Good Night Remedy For Kids

If you use over the counter cold remedies for kids coughs and colds, you may want to rethink the way you manage cold symptoms at home.

Over the counter cold medications have not been given the green light by medical experts for use on young children.

The good news is a simple food product has, it is honey.

Researchers found that children who were given honey as a cold remedy had better relief from night time cough than those who weren't.

In the double blind study the participants were given: eucalyptus honey, citrus honey, labiatae honey and a placebo called silan date extract.

The particpiants were 270 children age 1-5 years with upper respiratory infection.

The children who were given the honey products had greater relief from night time cough compared to those who were given the placebo.

All three types of honey were equally effective.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Keep Pots at Back of Stove and Handles Turned In

Preventing burns during cooking is a fire and health safety precaution.

This is a story of a Toronto woman who suffered 2nd and third degree burns due to an accident while cooking.

Burns during cooking happen often, more than we think.

Here is an article on the best actions to take.

One is to keep pots at the back of stoves with handles yurned in.

The article is from the

TheSpec - Burned: Keep pots at back of stove and handles turned...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Using Eggs to Treat Alllergy to Eggs

In the past food allergies were treated by giving the patient smallamounts of the food.

Eggs are no exception.

More than 2% of young children are allergic to eggs.

Doctors have managed to help some kids overcome their allergy to eggs by giving them daily amounts of eggs.

The study involved 55 children age 5-18 years.

Forty were given powdered egg white daily,while the other 15 were given corn starch.

Read more about the study and th eoutcome
TheSpec - Some egg each day to keep an egg allergy away?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meditation, Exercise May Help With The Flu

According to researchers those who involve themselves in regular meditation or exercise regularly have fewer colds and flus than those who participate in neither.

The study involved 149 participants.

In a randomized trail they were split into three groups:

1-Those who participated in mindless meditation

2-Those who had regular moderate-intensity exercise

3-A control group that did neither.

Group 1 had 257 days of the cold or flu
Group 2 had 241 days
The control group had 453 days.

The study ran from September 2009 to May 2010.

Read about the report in the
TheSpec - Meditation, exercise may help limit cold, flu, study...

Both meditation and regular exercise are effective in controlling blood pressure and in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

It is not surprising that they have a positive effect on the immune system.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fancy Cookies And Fresh Fruits

Fruits are very important to a healthy diet, they are part of the 'vegetables and fruit' food group.

Whether to prevent diseases, for better recovery from illness, to lose weight, for health and vitality or for general good health, they are a must in any diet.

What about cookies? Too much sugar and calories, not kind to healthy teeth and bad for weight management.

This article shows you how to combine the taste for cookies with fresh fruit.

Here are two recipes , one Almond macaroons and the other snickerdoodles.

SnickerdoodlesMakes 4 dozen cookies
To make cinnamon sugar, mix 1 tbsp (15 mL) ground cinnamon (or to taste) with a ¼ cup (60 mL) of granulated sugar.

1 cup (250 mL) shortening
1 ½ cups (375 mL) sugar
2 eggs
2 ¾ cups (680 mL) flour
2 tsp (10 mL) cream of tartar
1 tsp (5 mL) baking soda
½ tsp (2 mL) salt
Cinnamon sugar

Almond Macaroons
Makes 3 dozen cookies
1 lb (450 g) blanched almonds, either whole or slivered
2 cups (500 mL) sugar
¼ tsp (1 mL) salt
½ tsp (2 mL) vanilla extract
3 egg whites

The article is from the for you to read more and to use the recipes.
TheSpec - Fancy cookies pair well with fresh fruits

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Donating Organs Can Bring Grief And Solace

Families grieving the loss of a loved one can also be a source of miracles through organ donations.

Amidst all the grief of bereavement there can be happiness; donating organs can bring solace.

Knowing that, although you have lost a loved one you have donated to saving the life another brings a special kind of happiness.

One donor family describes it as "sharing a bond" with the organ transplant receipient.

One donor can save several lives through transplant of the organs:kidney, liver, heart or lungs. Many others can be saved through the donation of eyes, skin, bone and heart valves.

Here are some remarkable stories of families stricken with grief, but relieved by the happiness of donating for organ transplants.

TheSpec - Donating organs can bring solace amid grief

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Elderly Not affected by Intensity of Aerobics

Aerobics and moderate intensity aerobics are recommened for overall health and vitality and to prevent non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and strokes.

More vigorous aerobics exercise may be necessary for those who need to lose weight and keep it off.

Researchers wanted to evaluate the different intensities of aerobic exercise on the elderly with mild cognitive impairment.

According to the result of study the intensity of aerobics had no effect on the participants.

The randomized study involved 48 patients in residential homes for the elderly.

They were placed in one of three groups:
1-Performed aerobics exercise at 40% heart rate reserve
2-Performed aerobic exercise at 60% heart rate reserve
3-Performed recreational activities.

Their functional ability and cognitive level were assessed:
1-Before the intervention
2-At the end the study (3 months)
3-Three months later

On completion of the study, all patients in the aerobic training improved marginally.

There were no differences regarding cognitive level and functional ability among those in the aerobic training program and those who performed recreational activites.

The study was published in the Clinical Rehabilitation in May, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Childhood Obesity Linked C'Section Births

A recent study found that children born by cesearean section are twice as likely to be obese in childhood.

The study from 1999-2005 involved 1,255 pairs of mothers and children. The mothers joined the study before 22 weeks of pregnancy.

The babies were measured and weighed at birth and at 3 years of age.

One in four of the deliveries were by cesearean section.

The study also fund that mothers delivered by cesearean tended to weigh more that those delivered vaginally.

Click here to read more about the study.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are You a Go-Getter or Slacker at Work | EHS Today

If two co-workers exhibit different workplace behaviours, dopamine may be the cause.

For example if one is a go-getter and the other is slack and laid back, according to a recent study it may be due to dopamine levels being in different parts of the brain.

For the brain imaging study, researchers used 25 healthy volunteers age 18-29 to determine their willingness to work for money.

The participants were asked to perform different tasks worth $1 to $4.

Those who worked hard for rewards had a higher release of dopamine in one part of the brain, while those who didn't had a higher release in another part.

More on this report can be found at EHS Today:
Dopamine May Determine Whether You're a Go-Getter or Slacker at Work | EHS Today

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Caregivers’ Mental Health Improve With Meditation.

Giving for health has benefits to both the giver and the receipient, this is the same in the case of caregivers.

To maintain this two way effect, caregivers can take care of their health while taking care of family members.

Chronic stress that is associated with caregiving places caregivers at risk for depression.

This is a recent study which shows how yoga meditation can reduce depression and boost mental health.

TheSpec - Caregivers’ mental health may improve with short...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Help Needed For Families With ASD

Autism has become a major health challenge; it is an autism spectrum disorder(ASD).

There are more children and families that need help says the Center For Disease Control Director.

The number of children beign diagnosed is up; it is estimated that 1:88 children in the US has been identified with the disorder.

The study looked at data from 14 communities and found a 23 % increase since 2009; 11.3% per 1000 eight-year olds have been diagnosed.

According to the report some of the increase is due to the way children are being identified, diagnosed and served within the community.

The results show how important it is that the needs of people with ASD be addressed.

Read more on the report.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Popular Vitamins-How Healthy Are They?

I am sharing this article with you because you, as many, may believe that vitamin supplements are good. You may even take them regularly.

Some nutrition experts recommend vitamin supplements when their is a deficiency or when the diet consists of inadequate amounts for a healthy eating.
These three vitamins , although are essential and are good when taken as supplements have experts worried that they may not be doing any good.
According to the article, their benefits in preventing cancer and heart disease have not been proven.

They have been known for immune function.

They are:
1-Vitamin- A

Vitamin A- Useful for reproduction and bone health.

Vitamin C -Known for infection fighting powers.

Vitamin E- Known for its fight against cancer.

To read this article/report Click Here
After reading the article you may or may not agree.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Challenges Of A Caregiver

In the United States of America 53 million people are affected with alzheimers, a new case is diagnosed every 70 seconds.

Caring for a family member with alzheimers can be challenging to both the patient and the care giver. In this video of The Center for Disease Control (CDC), two families talk about the disease and its effects on their loved one.

The signs and symptoms of the disease are also discussed.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Giving For Health On Valentines Day

If you are planning on giving a gift of love on Valentines Day, why not give a gift of health instead.

If your valentine has health needs you can make a difference by giving him/her a gift of health.

Giving has benefits to both the giver and the receiver.

May be your Valentine needs:

  • To get well soon

  • Lose weight and be trimmer

  • Be more physically active

  • Daily nursing or caregiver care

  • To make adjustments to daily living
Is your loved one battling with a disabling health problem or recovering from surgery? Giving gifts of health could improve their well being and hasten recovery.

What can you do?
Focus on giving for health, take a look at their health needs.

If you are a care-giver or if your loved one needs care in any way, why not give private care on Valentines, his or her own private nurse will be a nice change.

If your Valentine is overweight and his/her health is already compromised, why not give a gift that will promote weight loss. It will also protect their health.

If your valentine is not active enough, rather than a gift that will keep him/her more comfortable sitting, give a gift that will increase his physical activity.

If you've been giving support and encouragement during the year you can give something tangible on Valentines Day. There are many health gifts that can be wrapped for Valentines Day.
If you've not been giving support to your loved one with health needs, the problem may have caused a strain on the relationship. The problem may have forced a lifestyle change you were not prepared for. You can start by giving support instead of something wrapped. It is a good time to show your love and start making the changes that are often necessary.

Remember, unlike other gifts, gifts of health can last all lifelong and all year round.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Preventing Workplace Violence

This is from an article in Environment Health and Safety, with solutions to prevent workplace violence.
In the report, the author identifies tribes or groups of individuals that talk to each other at work. Each group or tribe falls into one of 5 categories.
The report also mentions the signs of workplace violence and solutions to prevent them.
Click to read:
Preventing Workplace Violence

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Antidepressant Drugs May Cause Falls

In a study involving 248 nursing home residents, researchers found that the risk of residents falling was increased if they were given anti-depressant drugs. They found that the risk of falling and sustaining an injury was three times higher in residents taking the anti-depressants.

For the study researchers recorded drug use and records of falls over a two year period. The average age of the residents was 82.

One hundred and fifty-two of them suffered a total of 683 falls, 220 falls resulted in injuries such as a hip fracture or other broken bones.

As a result of the findings , researchers are asking that caution be used in prescribing anti-depressants for the elderly.

The anti-depressants called selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRI's) are frequently prescribed for dementia patients suffering from depression.

You can read more on the report.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Special Education For All Children with Dyslexia

According to recent research findings the model used for classifying a child as learning disabled is no longer valid.

The traditional model has been used to determine which children will benefit from specialized reading instructions. Based on a new research report all children with dyslexia should be elegible for special education.

For the study, researchers measured 131 average and poor readers age 7-16 years to determine the differences in brain activation, when they are involved in phonololgic awareness tasks.

Both the dyslexic children with poor reading ability and high IQ scores and the ones with poor reading ability and low IQ scores showed similar patterns of reduced brain activity.

This is good news for children with dyslexia and their parents.
To read more on this study, Click Here.

Birthday Gift Baskets