Giving For Health

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Early Exposure To Molds Linked To Childhood Asthma

According to a recent research study, infants' exposure to molds play a role in childhood asthma.
Researchers analyzed data over 7 years on 176 children. It was an allergy and air pollution study using the environmental relative moldiness index (ERMI).

RESULT- According to the report, 31 of the 176 children were asthmatic at age 7.
Children living in a high ERMI home at age 1 had twice the risk of developing asthma as children who lived in an ERMI home of less that 5'2. A high ERMI is one with an ERMI value of 5.2 or more.

There was no link between children living in a high ERMI home at age 7 and asthma at age 7.
The findings indicate that exposure to molds in infancy can lead to the disorder in childhood.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Not Enough Children Participate In Clinical Trials

To improve the participation rates ofchildren in clinical trials researchers and institutions need to do more.

According to a recent report only 30% of FDA approved medications have been studied on children.

One reason given was parents lack of awareness of the opportunities for their children.

As the report said only 16 % of adults know of opportunities for their children; although, 68% know about opportunities for themselves.

Researchers and institutions are taking the blame for not doing a good enough job to increase parents awareness.

To help pediatricians explain to parents the importance of children's involvement in medical research and to increase their awareness there is a webite:

Read more on this report.
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